Ford Focus battery issue?

Do you mean the battery lost its charge while the car was parked? Has this been an issue before?

Xavi said:
Do you mean the battery lost its charge while the car was parked? Has this been an issue before?

Yes, I jumpstarted it yesterday and went for a 2-hour drive. This morning, I tried starting it again but noticed the lights and door alarm system kept going off whenever I tried to close the door.

Did you see a ‘low battery’ warning on the display screen before the battery issue started?

No, I didn’t see any warning.

Is this a big electrical issue?

Do you have a dashcam or anything plugged in that might be draining the battery? Have you tested the battery to see if it’s holding a charge?

I’d recommend getting the electrical system checked out. It’s most likely the battery, but it could also be the battery sensor that’s failing. There’s a sensor on one of the battery connections that can cause issues. Sometimes the ‘low battery’ warning doesn’t stay on like a standard MIL light—it might show briefly on the info center. Another possibility is the alternator underperforming.