When accelerating from a stop, my 2017 Focus sometimes experiences a 1-3 second shudder. I’ve recently replaced the 3 engine mounts and spark plugs. About a yr ago, I cleaned or replaced the valve gasket and had air induction service performed.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? It seemed particularly pronounced today after driving on the highway and then stopping in a traffic bottleneck.
I drive a 2017 automatic Focus and have experienced similar issues. There’s a strong possibility that the transmission might be the culprit. However, I’ve also identified another potential issue that seems to cause similar symptoms.
I believe the knobs might be AC pressure relief valves. I’ve noticed they tend to collect moisture. Loosening them and then tightening them back to about 2 ft-lbs seems to alleviate some of the acceleration problems.
I bought a torque screwdriver. Though, tbh, I’m not sure how crucial precise torque is for these components, but that’s the spec I’ve come across. I just hand-tighten them loosely.
Clutch shudder can be a tough decision. You can either live with it, which might be manageable depending on the severity, or you could consider paying $3-5k for a clutch replacement to fix it.